Studying at LABA Valencia allows you to finish your studies with a Bachelor of Arts with Honours, an official British university degree recognized worldwide, equivalent to 180 ECTS (360 UK Credits).
The qualification of BAH can be obtained through a progression of 3 years of study consisting of:
- A two-year period in which the student takes the HND-Higher National Diploma at LABA Valencia.
- A Top-Up year which, through prior validation of the HND and a final third year (Top-Up), leads to the award of a BAH- Bachelor of Arts Honours degree. Students can do the Top-Up year at LABA or directly at a UK university.
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) – UK University official title
At the end of the three years of study, you will obtain the Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Digital media or Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Photography awarded by prestigious English universities.
The Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Hons) degrees are recognised as part of the Bologna Plan and are therefore fully recognised in the 48 countries that make up the European Higher Education Area.
As an official qualification from an English university, the Bachelor of Arts with Honours is also valid in many countries in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Australia.
Holding a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree entitles you to enrol in any university master’s degree.
Higher National Diploma (HND)
LABA Valencia is an officially accredited Pearson centre, with accreditation nº 94512. This allows you to obtain, at the end of the first two years of study, the Higher National Diploma in Digital Design or in Photography.
The Higher National Diploma is an official qualification of the British Higher Education System and is internationally recognised, the equivalence of which is equal to 120 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System).
The Higher National Diploma gives you direct access to the world of work and is equivalent to a higher vocational qualification.
In addition, the HND gives you access to a Top-Up year, with which you can obtain a BAH University qualification.
The official degrees offered by LABA Valencia

Why is a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) the best option?
- Because it has great international recognition in the EU, as well as in Asia, Hispano America, Africa, Canada, Australia, and the United States. Its accreditation is much easier and more immediate than other university degrees, as the United Kingdom has more agile and clear agreements with most countries.
- Because you are going to study in three years what you would do in four years at a Spanish university. In most European countries, and in the rest of the world, university degrees last 3 years. In Spain, the degrees last 4 years. This produces a competitive disadvantage for students at Spanish universities, who have to dedicate one more year to finish a degree, while the other EU students can enter the market a year before them. Furthermore, the validation of Spanish qualifications in other countries is often complicated.
Spain is adjusting to this reality and since 2017 there has been a legislative amendment that allows Spanish universities to create and offer 3-year Degrees (180 ECTS/360 UK credits), which will allow greater concordance and equivalence with degrees from other European countries. - Because it is much more focused on the labour market, along with personal, artistic and cultural growth.
- Because holders of a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) earn, on average, more than double of holders of other European university degrees.

What are the advantages of having a Higher National Diploma?
Direct access to the labour market.
- The HND is an official UK degree, giving direct access to the labour market. It is equivalent to a Spanish higher degree of vocational training.
- It is highly valued by companies around the world.
Flexibility to finish your university degree anywhere in the world
After completing the first two years of study and obtaining the HND, you will be able to access more than 300 universities around the world to finish your university degree. All these universities recognize the HND, equating it to the first two years of college.
Study one year in Spain and another year in a different country
HND’s inherent flexibility, together with the large number of educational institutions around the world that recognize and offer Pearson qualifications and programs, make this possible. And easy!
All the credits you obtain by studying an HND at an accredited Pearson center will be recognized at any of the Pearson centers around the world. This great network allows you to build your educational experience in the most international way. You can do the first year in Valencia and the second in another country, or vice versa, if you have finished the first year, you can come to Valencia to complete your HND studies and, eventually, continue with those Bachelor of Arts (Hons).