Our students' Final Major Project

You open a door and find her alone in the classroom, sitting in front of the screen, retouching the images, turning photographs into symbols through long processes of creation. She cries a little. We talk. That’s right, she tells me, with gestures of irreparability. I can’t stop her obsession. It takes years to learn not to suffer so much from the effort. These are intense days. We are in the countdown. The hours are getting longer and longer, divided into each of the projects that the final year students of the BACHELOR OF ARTS (HONS) in DIGITAL MEDIA and the del BACHELOR OF ARTS (HONS) in PHOTOGRAPHY will hand in on 12th June. Yes, it’s the final year of the first international campus of the Italian University LABA, it’s been three incredible years in which the students have lived the school with such dedication. Sometimes you wonder how they are able to take on so much rigour and responsibility. There is a lot of work that excites us, the level is high, the effort is enormous. We follow the research process of each of them, sometimes closely, sometimes from a distance, each day working towards an objective that we have examined during three partial sessions.

On the 19th, 20th, 21st, 25th and 25th of June, the oral defences will take place in front of a jury made up of the tutor, the coordinators of each BAH, an invited external jury and the directors of LABA Valencia.

Thank you to all the tutors and coordinators for having accompanied them this far!

Step by step we have shared these years full of challenges and discoveries. We wish you all the best for the presentation of your final project. We send you all our affection, support and enthusiasm.

Cristina Casanova and Andrea Contino
Directors of Laba Valencia



LABA Valencia. School of Art, Design & New Media – Calle Quart 21-23 – 46001 Valencia, Spain – CIF B40506768 – VAT ESB40506768
Student service phone: +34 626 68 81 51

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