Presentation of Ana Gea's book "Vivir del Diseño" Editorial Gràffica

Monday, December 20 – 7PM.
LABA Valencia. School of Art, Design & New Media
Quart Street, 23

Ana Gea, co-director of Gràffica magazine, presents her book “Vivir del diseño. Instrucciones para gestionar tu negocio creativo (si quieres)”, created with the intention of sharing knowledge and experiences that may be useful and reflective for a wonderful group that has a talented neural tissue.

Throughout 350 pages, the book addresses practical questions such as job search, how to be freelance, how to run a design studio, how to find clients, promote yourself, position yourself, lead work teams, calculate a budget or make a contract. Other relevant aspects are also addressed such as decision-making, challenges, changes, relationship management, loneliness, criticism, ego, or empathy…

Ana Gea LABA Team

Ana Gea is a professor in the PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT UNIT at #LABAValencia, in the degrees of Digital Design and Photography and Video.

Prologues @el_mir @eduardodelfraile
Art direction @victorpalautorres
Photography: @juanmartinezlahiguera
Makeup: @annamoolins
Happy Team: @grafficainfo

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LABA Valencia. School of Art, Design & New Media – Calle Quart 21-23 – 46001 Valencia, Spain – CIF B40506768 – VAT ESB40506768
Student service phone: +34 626 68 81 51

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