Admission and matriculation. Tuition fees, discounts and scholarships.


The tuition fees 2025-26 academic:


Residents in Spain 750 7,600 8,350 
International students 1,500 8,350 9,850 


Once admitted, you must formalize the place reservation by sending the documentation and the corresponding proof of payment.

When the enrolment period is open you will receive the official document to formalize your registration.

Payment methods:

• Unique payment before the academic year starts 3% discount on the yearly payment.

Spanish residents:

• Up to 9 payments with no financing required.

• LABA Valencia offers to its students the possibility of financing the 3 academic years through Caixa Popular, with very advantageous conditions and return up to 10 years*.

* The granting of financing is subject to valuation by Caixa Popular.

International Students:

You will be able to pay your academic year  in easy monthly allotments till December. 

To obtain your invitation letter, the course should be paid at 50%, 25% before the starting of the academic year and the remaining 25% before December 31.

For further information on the different payment methods please contact our Student Information Department


Students may obtain a different discount (accumulative) on his course fee:

  • 3% discount on the yearly fee on a unique payment before the academic course starts.
  • 5% discount on the yearly fee if reservation place is made in advance. Please Check periods with our Student Information Department

Scholarship for international Students

LABA Valencia offers a mobility scholarship for international students. If you require further information, contact us: [email protected]



LABA Valencia. School of Art, Design & New Media – Calle Quart 21-23 – 46001 Valencia, Spain – CIF B40506768 – VAT ESB40506768
Student service phone: +34 626 68 81 51

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