Interview with Ana Gea, professor at LABA Valencia
Meet Ana Gea, Faculty member:
“I consider myself a human, restless, curious person who is passionate about learning and sharing knowledge. Together with Víctor Palau, I founded and direct the communication medium specialized in visual culture Gràffica, the consultancy specialized in design PaulauGea and Universo de emociones, the first visual project based on the knowledge of emotions. Design, strategy, training, management and writing are part of my daily life ”.
“The main objective of my course is transferring real scenarios of the profession to the classroom; we’ll take a tour through all the phases of project management, clients, resources, etc … Throughout the course, the students, together with active professionals in the field, will be able to reflect on the development of the profession and to learn from mistakes and successes.”
“Because of their international projection and wide experience in the development of audiovisual projects, I am interested in the following authors: La Web de Canada, for doing magic from an extreme ingenuity to relate the often harsh reality: Querido Antonio, for being a channel that often broadcasts beauty in audiovisual format: NOWNESS”.