LABA, an international campus
Italy is a synonym for excellence in the world of design, the country that has shaped the taste and aesthetics of the entire world, with a great international projection. The “Made in Italy” brand is the third best-known brand in the world after Coca Cola and Visa.
LABA – Libera Accademia di Belle Arti is a prestigious Italian University with 20 years of experience in art education at Bachelor’s and Master’s level. With several consolidated locations in Italy, in Florence, Brescia, Rimini and Trento, the Valencia campus in Spain, and new locations in Cameroon, China and Vietnam, LABA is exporting Italian style around the world in the most avant-garde fields of multimedia design, photography and video, art, fashion and set design.
As a LABA student, you will be part of a cosmopolitan group of students in one of the best design schools, with students of all nationalities and cultures, and you will open the doors to an international career, thanks also to the type of degrees offered by LABA, the Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from prestigious English Universities and our own LABA Degree.
Thanks to its structure and international agreements, LABA degrees are not only fully recognized throughout Europe, but also in Australia, Canada, India, Russia, China, Latin American countries and many more.
Our classes are combined with workshops with prestigious international professionals, artists and designers, thus giving a broad vision of professional opportunities and offering the possibility of establishing a first-class network of contacts.
The spirit that distinguishes all LABA campuses is based on knowing how to combine experimentation, professionalization and artistic and cultural tradition. It is a methodology close to the student, with small groups of a maximum of 18 students, which allows personalized monitoring and individual growth according to the needs and abilities of each of our students.

LABA Firenze is a prestigious academy of fine arts, which has made experimentation its educational mission. It offers degrees in Photography, Graphic and Multimedia Design, Design, Painting, and Fashion. The academy was founded in 2001 and has around 650 Italian and foreign students.
The LABA FIRENZE philosophy combines tradition and innovation: aiming at a cultural proposal that is both a method and a deep knowledge of the artistic expressions of the present and the past, a stimulus for the investigation and experimentation of techniques and languages, including multimedia.

LABA Brescia was founded in 1999 and has around 1100 Italian and international students. It is legally recognized by MIUR, Ministry of University and Research, believes in the cultural primacy of Italy and has been working to improve the cultural heritage and the Made in Italy brand for twenty years. Through the training of young people who can be protagonists in the fields of art, new technologies, communication, design, fashion, photography, cinema and theatre. LABA Brescia offers the degrees of Visual Arts, Interior Architecture and Decoration Design, Scenography, New Art Technologies and Artistic Design for Companies with courses in Fashion Design, Photography, Design and Graphic Design and Multimedia. LABA qualifies as an Institute of Advanced Artistic Training, capable of combining the solidity of tradition and the innovative force of the most advanced artistic research.

LABA Rimini was founded in 2003 and offers degrees in Graphic Design and Multimedia arts, Photography, Fashion Design and Interior Design.
LABA RIMINI, in addition to having a methodology that considers the complementarity of the various disciplines and seeks their integration, is a place of research and experimentation where knowledge constitutes the cultural base of the creative process that can be applied in the industrial and artistic sector.

LABA Trentino was founded in 2014 and has currently 200 Italian and international students. It offers degrees in Graphic Design and Multimedia Arts, and Interior Design.
LABA Trentino offers an integrated training to accompany students in the analysis of their skills and motivations to develop a professional project consistent with the course of study and the evolution of the productive world: supporting them in their professional orientation, providing strategies to help students realizing their personal and professional goals, encourage direct encounters between young people and professional artists and designers.