Setting up the exhibition LABA Valencia Academic Year 2023-24
On 21st of September 2023, the Students A cademic Year Exhibition 2023-24 of LABA Valencia was inaugurated, one of the central events of the opening of the academic year, with a selection of the best works of the students of the BAH in Digital Media, as well as Photography, created during 2023, an intense and very creative academic year that has generated a careful production in photography, short films, posters, branding, 360 campaigns, design and 3D animation, motion graphics…
The exhibition was curated by Cristina Casanova, director of LABA Valencia. Since the beginning of the summer, a group of student volunteers have been involved in the production and assembly of the project: Cosette Reyes, Sergio Pons, Felipe Taveira, Saani Mohammed, Zina Jordán and Emilio Ivars. Thank you so much for getting involved and taking responsibility for one of our most important events in LABA Valencia.
¡Congratulations to all the students for their work!
You can visit the exhibition by making an appointment at [email protected].
You can also view the short films, 3D animations and other creations in video format here: