Author: David Llordén 
Music: Ilgın Içözü (teacher)

Final project by the students of the International Master’s Degree in Multimedia Creation for the Live Shows

The #MICME. Interactive Art Festival is an exhibition of the final projects of the Master’s students, tutored by the teaching staff. The festival highlights the role of multimedia and technologies as the core of the artistic experience: live audiovisuals, performances and interactive improvisations in real time.

In the installation Señal, David Llordén has worked on the scenography, Touchdesigner language, video mapping, light art and interactivity. For the live performances, professor Ilgın Içözü has joined the project with the development of the interactive sound concert.

The design of the piece occupies three planes in the space. For this purpose, several computers are placed on the floor, and on the wall and ceiling, a total of nine featherboard panels hang from the top. Scaffolding is recreated behind the piece to give more weight and depth to the sculptural project. The public interacts with the sculpture by means of keyboards that allow the creation, in compositional duets, of a visual and sound improvisation, a live dialogue. 


MICME International Master’s Degree in Multimedia Creation for Live Shows

David Llordén, student of the 2nd promotion of the MICME. International Master in Multimedia Creation for Live Shows of LABA Valencia, he graduated in July 2024.

He is an architect, set designer and multimedia artist.

His starting point was architecture, which allowed him to have some knowledge about space and how the limits that enable us to create spaces are forged, his interest in ephemeral architecture and how to build in a more movable way (providing existing spaces with new uses), he was introduced to scenography as a way to introduce elements of light and visuals to these less static and temporary constructions.

Interested in obtaining the best photograph of his compositions, his aim is to create visual and spatial images that will last in the retina of those who see them.

The ideas for his projects are born out of a curiosity to transform architectural places of interest and give them a new life, with special emphasis on the luminous design that allows for the creation of new compositional axes to move through these spaces.

During 2023-24 he was a student of the International Master’s Degree in Multimedia Creation for the Spectacle.

Visit here David Llordén’s installations at the MICME. INTERACTIVE ARTS FESTIVAL, made as final projects of MICME. International Master in Multimedia Creation for Live Shows


LABA Valencia. School of Art, Design & New Media – Calle Quart 21-23 – 46001 Valencia, Spain – CIF B40506768 – VAT ESB40506768
Student service phone: +34 626 68 81 51

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