Authors: Kira Wieckenberg, Galoguin and Geronimo Burneo
Final project by the students of the International Master’s Degree in Multimedia Creation for the Live Shows
The #MICME. Interactive Art Festival is an exhibition of the final projects of the Master’s students, tutored by the teaching staff. The festival highlights the role of multimedia and technologies as the core of the artistic experience: live audiovisuals, performances and interactive improvisations in real time.
«Spiking uses the screens of two iMac computers integrated into an organic structure sculpted in plaster. This sculpture extends in parts through the corridors of LABA Valencia, seemingly growing in space. On each screen we find a different spiky object shown in the phases of penetration into skin-like surfaces.
Each spike has a unique shape, a sound design and a colour assigned to it….»
Kira Wieckenberg, Geronimo Burneo and Galoguin.
MICME International Master’s Degree in Multimedia Creation for Live Shows
Kira Wieckenberg, student of the 2nd promotion of the MICME. International Master in Multimedia Creation for Live Shows at LABA Valencia, she graduated in July 2024.
She is a multimedia artist. Although she works with a variety of media such as video, performance, sculpture and drawing, she focuses on creating immersive and atmospheric multimedia installations.
For Kira Wieckenberg, every artistic process must begin with a question, a problem, an enigma. Her work revolves around the human experience of living in a complex world, in the suspense of ignorance, fear and ambiguity.
Kira Wieckenberg lives and works in Hannover and Valencia. In 2022 she finished her studies of Fine Arts at the University of Art in Braunschweig with a diploma with honours, showing the solo exhibition ‘es gibt torte’. She studied a Master’s degree in Multimedia Creation at the LABA Valencia University with the support of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, of which she has been a scholarship holder since 2021.
Galoguin, student of the 2nd promotion of the MICME. International Master in Multimedia Creation for Live Shows at LABA Valencia, she graduated in July 2024.
Multidisciplinary artist born in Madrid. She did a double degree in Fine Arts and Design at the UFV, where her TFG was selected to be exhibited at the JUSTMAD art fair. He has also exhibited in spaces such as Galería nueva and Espacio Rastro. He is currently studying an International Master in Multimedia Creation for Entertainment. His versatility allows him to expand his essence in both analogue and digital interventions. She has created several murals for companies and institutions such as Camargo Town Hall, as well as numerous live paintings at music festivals such as Maudes Festival and El Evento del Año. As a designer, she has worked for both companies and musical artists, creating designs and visualisers, as well as acting as Vu in several events…
Geronimo Burneo, student of the 2nd promotion of the MICME. International Master in Multimedia Creation for Live Shows at LABA Valencia, she graduated in July 2024.
Designer and executive producer of projects at RESTLESS, with experience in advertising, graphic design and multimedia creation. His work ranges from collaborations with brands such as Fanta and Forever 21 to personal projects such as Un Cuadro, POPCPR and GEYTER. Honoured with awards such as the Effie College Ecuador in 2020 and Top Designer USFQ 2018, 2020, and Cocoa Award 2021, he is dedicated to design processes and innovative creativity, reflected in the foundation of RESTLESS to merge his skills and passion for the project.