LIVE CODING MUSIC Workshop by Ilgın İçözü

By the teacher Ilgin Icozu
Thursday 13th March 2025 – 18:30

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the algorave culture and will learn the basics of live programming with TidalCycles, an open source language for pattern-based music. Throughout the session, attendees will install the necessary dependencies, develop basic looping techniques and apply algorithmic approaches to build multi-channel soundscapes.

No previous knowledge of music or programming is required.

To attend, write to [email protected]  indicating that you want to attend the workshop. Maximum capacity for 25 attendees


__ Bring your laptop and headphones for the workshop.
__ TidalCycles and all necessary dependencies will be installed during the session.

Ilgın İçözü

Responsible for the module ‘Live sound and composition. Software Ableton Live’
MICME. International master in multimedia creation for live shows.

Composer, creative coder and mixed media designer. He graduated in Music Composition from Istanbul Bilgi University and completed his master’s degree in Advanced Music Studies (MIAM) at Istanbul Technical University. He is interested in telling stories with abstract concepts in both music and creative coding, drawing inspiration from historical events and various mythologies from around the world.


LABA Valencia. School of Art, Design & New Media – Calle Quart 21-23 – 46001 Valencia, Spain – CIF B40506768 – VAT ESB40506768
Student service phone: +34 626 68 81 51

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