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Manuel Conde y Francesc Ribes


The BLABLANIGHTS Cycle continued on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, with the masterclass by Manuel Conde and Francesc Ribes, co-directors of Radiante, a collective of multidisciplinary creators with origins and expertise in the performing arts. They develop their work through light, video art, and interaction with performers. With light, they create spaces, produce light art pieces, and audiovisual performances.

BLABLANIGHTS Masterclass de Manuel Conde y Francesc Ribas, RADIANTE
BLABLANIGHTS Masterclass de Manuel Conde y Francesc Ribas, RADIANTE

The Radiante team works in various fields to foster experiences and create universes that participants can live, explore, and make their own.

They have designed the video scene for shows such as VALENCiANA. La realitat no és suficient (IVC, 2019), Anna i la màquina del temps (Escalante Centre Teatral, 2019), and Proyecto Meitner (CRIT Companyia de Teatre, 2021). They were also responsible for the lighting design and technical audiovisual development of Lluna (Horta Teatre, 2021). Manuel Conde led these processes in works such as Alexandria (IVC, 2018), Dystopia (PanicMap, 2016), and Harket Protocolo (PanicMap, 2012).

The collective is also behind an immersive and interactive space in the restaurant Manhattan (Voltereta, 2020). They designed the stage and lights for the Media Awards 2020 gala in Luxembourg, which also featured one of their audiovisual shows (Maison Moderne and RTL Luxembourg). The I Nit de Circ valencià was also held under Radiante’s light (Teatre Principal de València, 2018). They have also created immersive audiovisual shows for Encesa Turia (Centre Cultural La Nau, 2019) and the installation Los desastres de la guerra by renowned artist Daniel García Andújar (Consorci de Museus CV, 2018). They traveled to the famous Burning Man festival, illuminating the fallas Renaixement (Pink Intruder, 2016). They also designed light sculptures for TedxCiutatVellaDeValència, Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània, and the Mesa de Cultura Valenciana (Consellería de Cultura, 2015).

BLABLANIGHTS Masterclass de Manuel Conde y Francesc Ribas, RADIANTE

Manuel and Francesc carry out their work with a holistic view of shows and live experiences. Technology (videomapping, interactivity, etc.) allows them to develop new universes, focusing on the experience of each individual. They experiment with visual language, technology, and the body.


The protagonists of the masterclass, Manuel Conde and Francesc Ribes, are responsible for two of the modules in our International Master’s Degree in Multimedia Creation for Performance, which we offer in collaboration with Fundación Épica La Fura dels Baus and LABA Florence.

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LABA Valencia. School of Art, Design & New Media – Calle Quart 21-23 – 46001 Valencia, Spain – CIF B40506768 – VAT ESB40506768
Student service phone: +34 626 68 81 51

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