Call for scholarships for LABA VALENCIA students to participate in the IAIA EU Project
LABA Valencia and LABA Brescia started a new European project, a collaboration of teachers, students, and experts in Artificial Intelligence. This international team will collaborate for two years to create a small course about applying #AI to #art, #design and #photography.
We will select 4 LABA Valencia students (2 from BA Photography & Video, and 2 from BA Graphic Design & Digital Media) to participate in this project between Sep 2024 and March 2026. During this period, the 4 selected students are expected to participate in:
● A creative lab at LABA Valencia (3 days, first week of September 2024) with students and teachers from LABA Brescia.
● Creation of learning material together with the Italian students, and the teachers and experts in both countries (Oct-Dec 2025).
● Creative lab in Brescia (3-5 days, January 2025).
● Workshop with LABA students (April-June 2025) and one at a secondary school in Valencia (Sept-Dec 2025).
● Final meeting in Valencia and Brescia in February 2026.