Fragment from the piece “Lo (in)consciente de lo (in)tangible”, by Cosette Reyes

Cosette Reyes, selected and winner of the exhibition ‘EL CUERPO SENTIDO’

Lo (in)consciente de lo (in)tangible”, by Cosette Reyes, has been the digital work selected and winner of the call ‘EL CUERPO SENTIDO‘ organised by SMTH [Creation, promotion and dissemination of digital art using technology as a driving element].

A very special congratulations to Cosette Reyes and the rest of the participating students from LABA Valencia. It has been an intense and exciting process, an extra effort and involvement in addition to the timetable and academic work.

From among all the projects submitted from the 3 participating universities, TAI School, U TAD and LABA VALENCIA, the SMTH jury has chosen 5 winning pieces that will be part of the exhibition “El cuerpo sentido” from March 1st in CC Vialia Estación de Vigo (Galicia) and CC Plenilunio (Madrid).

El Cuerpo Sentido - Exhibition

Cosette Reyes

Mexican designer, anthropologist and biochemical engineer.

Over the last few years, she has participated in international research projects in the fields of mental health, human evolution, and cognition. This has led her to explore the phenomenon of the mind and its corporeal expressions in the fields of design and art.

She currently lives in Valencia, Spain, where she is in the 2nd year of the Degree in Digital Design & Multimedia at LABA Valencia. School of Art, Design & New Media, leading several projects of creation and promotion of communities. Since 2022 he has been collaborating with the contemporary art gallery House of Chappaz, with a permanent space in ARCO.

She works in motion graphics, 3D and video art. Capturing unusual points of view of everyday situations, mystery, Dadaist aesthetics, decontextualised objects and his fascination with surrealism is a constant in each of his creations.

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LABA Valencia. School of Art, Design & New Media – Calle Quart 21-23 – 46001 Valencia, Spain – CIF B40506768 – VAT ESB40506768
Student service phone: +34 626 68 81 51

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