
Nacho Sánchez


Total number of hours: 24h
Nº of sesions: 6h
Nº of hours per session: 4h
Total number of days: 6


450 €

Workshop The Brandmovie

In this course we will study and analyze the creation of a BRANDMOVIE from its conceptualization to its execution. The course will have a practical part and a theoretical part.

In the theoretical part, we will review the concepts of Brandmovie creativity, abstraction in order to channel our creativity to create a cinematographic discourse linked to a brand. As well as to assess both the human and technical resources involved in putting an idea into practice.

In the practical part, you will learn the work processes for the realization of an audiovisual piece.  


Channel our creativity to create a cinematographic discourse linked to a brand.

Aimed at

Aimed at both students and professionals, storytellers, creatives, passionate filmmakers of the audiovisual world


Some notions of photography and basic communication skills.


Nacho Sánchez

CEO and DIRECTOR at Quadra Brandmovies.

Having over 25 years of experience in the audio-visual advertising industry, he has worked for brands such as NIKE, PORCELANOSA, ING, LLADRÓ, BANKIA, ASTON MARTIN, FORD, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL and UNICEF.

After working as a producer for several production companies in this field, in 2007 he founded Quadra Brand movies.

He has been working for over 12 years focusing only on advertising as a director. He is currently working on fiction projects.

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LABA Valencia. School of Art, Design & New Media – Calle Quart 21-23 – 46001 Valencia, Spain – CIF B40506768 – VAT ESB40506768
Student service phone: +34 626 68 81 51

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