Eduardo Lopez's internship at Sleeklab studio

Eduardo López is a singular student of the Photography and Video degree, with an incredible passion for mixed media, which has always led him to explore new languages alongside photography, video, 3D, AI and traditional animation.

In the video, he shares with us his experience of his internship in the photo editing studio during his final year of the Photography and Video degree.

He talks about the skills he gained during his internship as a product photography retoucher at Sleeklab, a lab specializing in sophisticated digital retouching for companies with a strong e-commerce presence, focusing on image quality in the online environment. 

The work developed by Eduardo López as his Final Major Project, entitled “AETHER”, is a clear reflection of his evolution in the use of mixed media, combining his greatest passions: photography, AI, 3D and design.

This project stands out not only for its technical quality, but also for its meticulous research, great creativity and ability to combine different disciplines into a coherent and powerful work. 

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LABA Valencia. School of Art, Design & New Media – Calle Quart 21-23 – 46001 Valencia, Spain – CIF B40506768 – VAT ESB40506768
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