Exhibition of fanzines by LABA Valencia Design students with Jaime and Rubén from Handshake.
The students of the last year of the Digital Media degree presented their fanzines created during the Editorial Design lab taught by Jaime Sebastián and Rubén Montesinos from Handshake.
At a fanzine market organised at LABA Valencia, the students showed their creations and shared the process of making the project with their university classmates.
Teachers Jaime and Rubén guided the students through a series of workshops to develop their creations from concept to final artwork. In each session they worked with the conceptualisation, choice of typography, image editing, layout, search for materials, printing tests… and finally to make each idea tangible.
Congratulations to Zina Jordán, Xavier Luján, Cosette Reyes, Edera Tejel and Paula Vega, for the wonderful fanzines.