Co-creative Lab
9-12 OCT 2023
en Casa da Imagem
Oporto, Portugal
#climate change education through art & design
ACDC co-creation lab
Participation of LABA students in Porto 2023
Four students from LABA Valencia School of Art, Design & New Media, were selected to take part in the Erasmus+ ACDC (climate change education through art & design) project. They enjoyed a week in Porto, Lisbon, full of creativity and learning at Casa da Imagem de Oporto.
During their stay, they participated in a co-creative lab, where they merged their visions and skills with leading artists and teachers. This collaboration culminated in the joint creation of artistic workshops aimed at raising awareness about climate change and promoting sustainable solutions.
They shared experiences, knowledge and forged creative links.
We extend our most sincere congratulations to the students Michelle Castillo, Inès Lessinger, Sergio Pons Alba, Joana Soler, and to the teacher Pau Gómez, who accompanied them throughout this enriching experience. Their dedication and commitment during these days have been fundamental to the success of the initiative.

Erasmus + Project ACDC (climate change education through art & design), coordinated by LABA Valencia. School of Art, Design & New Media, and with Casa da Imagem and Agrupamento de Escolas de Cristelo de Portugal.