Call for the exhibition "Miradas y recorridos íntimos"
We invite you to participate in the exhibition we are organising as part of the Festival 10 Sentidos by sending us your proposals. The exhibition of the students of LABA Valencia will be held at LAS NAVES, in May 2024, within the framework of the festival, whose 13th edition will take place in May 2024.
The exhibition, under the title ‘Miradas y recorridos íntimos‘, proposes you to explore the city through different perspectives. Come and immerse yourself in a deep and honest representation of the city.
The pieces for this call can include photography, motion graphics, illustrations, mixed media, 3D, and even videos that reflect your own visions of the city.
ATTENTION ! Please, download here the rules with complete information about the call. |
Deadline for submitting proposals:
Submission of proposals: 11 February
Announcement of selected proposals: March 1st
Director of the exhibition:
Zina Jordan