Interview with Pablo Alpe, professor at LABA Valencia

Meet Pablo Alpe, co-founder of Vitamin Studio and member of our teaching staff:

“As an enthusiastic engineer of design and arts, I investigate how to merge technique and aesthetics. My work focuses on designing simulations of physical phenomena in which simple rules give rise to complex systems and realistic movements, also incorporating interactive interfaces, thus creating a direct relationship with the user. “

“I will be responsible for the module Interactivity Design on stage, within the International Master in Multimedia Creation for Performing Arts and Live Shows, that will be done by LABA Valencia in collaboration with Epica Foundation La Fura dels Baus and #LABAfirenze. It will begin in January 2022, articulated around four phases, throughout which students will learn to conceive, build and interact with the main elements of the scene. They will carry out a complete and demanding immersion in the development of a play under the direction of Pep Gatell, artistic director of La Fura dels Baus and Cristina Casanova, director of the master’s degree and with the help of all the teaching staff, to create a show that will be performed live in Valencia and Italy.

At LABA we’ll work on subjects related to the incorporation of the so-called New Technologies within the world of design and art. We’ll work on interactive installations from start to finish, both on an artistic and commercial level.

The different subjects are addressed to design lovers who want to incorporate tools and concepts into their knowledge that will allow them to take their designs to a new interactive level.

Some of the creators I’m interested in:
Daito Manabe
Zach Lieberman
Joanie Lemercier
Vincent Houze

Instagram: @pablo_alp

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LABA Valencia. School of Art, Design & New Media – Calle Quart 21-23 – 46001 Valencia, Spain – CIF B40506768 – VAT ESB40506768
Student service phone: +34 626 68 81 51

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