About the project
The ACDC project will create and validate open-access learning and teaching resources for inclusive climate change education through art & design.
There is a need for an integrative and cross-curricular approach in climate change education (not only in science class but through STEAM) – arts and design can play an important role in engaging people with new perspectives on climate change.
There is a need for a positive and constructive approach (trying to avoid apathy or anxiety); students need to feel motivated and part of the solution, become actors of change.
There is a need for an inclusive approach (both from artists/designers and teachers). People from more modest social/economic backgrounds have more obstacles to deal with when taking action to fight climate change: they have fewer means to choose alternative transport, work as a volunteer, isolate their houses, and buy vegan food or sustainable clothes.
- Increase awareness about climate change and sustainability.
Stimulate young people’s imagination and empower them to co-create new scenarios for behavioral change. - Actively involve students from rural areas and diverse backgrounds in international and interdisciplinary collaboration.
- Create cross-curricular learning resources with an eco-social future-oriented perspective.
- Create awareness about the power of design to generate sustainable and inclusive solutions for individuals and communities.
- 2 eco-creative labs, in Porto and Valencia
- teacher training with 15-20 teachers
- workshops with 150-200 students and other participants in 2 countries
- open-access multimedia learning and teacher resources for secondary-school students, teachers, and other educators
- 2 multiplier events
ACDC. Climate change education with and through art & design.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. | ACDC – Inclusive climate change education with and through art & design. | Small-scale partnerships in school education. | Project reference: 2022-2-ES01-KA210-SCH-000097507. | Project duration: 1/3/23 – 28/2/25 | Project Card